Contact Us

Glad you found our contact information. On this page you will find sales contact information, service desk contact information and billing information.

Take digital employee experience to the next level

We are here to make working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive – for everyone and everywhere.

Contact our sales team and get the most out of our services.

Sales Inquiries

Emmi Veenkivi

Sales Manager
+358 40 596 8113

Customer Relations

Kaarlo Kurvinen

Customer Success Manager
+358 40 833 2020

Service Desk is
here to help you

Glad you found our contact information – we’re here to help you!

To fast support, we kindly ask you to log in to the portal here.

If you don’t have access to the portal, you can also contact us by email or phone.

Let’s get this done:

If you need to give remote access to your technician, please see THIS page

Billing information

Star IT Oy
Keilaranta 15
02150 Espoo
VAT: FI2410042-8

Electronic invoices:
OVT: 003724100428
Operator: Maventa (003721291126) 

E-mail billing information:

Read our story
and get to know us

Companies that put people first, attract and retain the best talent. As a result, their business is growing, because they invest in their biggest opportunity – their people.

Read the story and learn more!

Our happy customers